This residential complex built in the 1960’s and consisting of multiple levels of face brickwork was in urgent need of remedial works to its façade. Concrete spalling, brick rotation and thermal movements were resulting in this building being distressed. This stress left the appearance of a significant cracking and bulging of the façade.
BellMont was engaged to inspect and identify the causes and establish a suitable remedial option. Remedial Building Services was engaged to implement the solution which was provided by BellMont. The internal surfaces of the concrete frame were corroding (reinforcing steel) resulting in expansive forces being applied to the brickwork. The solution—to undertake the necessary concrete repairs and construct a mechanism within the façade to accommodate future movements. Horizontal joints were expressed into the façade together with the building of load bearing slab edges. New cavity flashings were installed to ensure that water within the cavity was being expelled outward and not draining into the cavity.
BellMont's knowledge of building construction is being put to use on Building Defect Claims. BellMont's services within this sector of the Building Industry have increased dramatically, with BellMont now being instrumental in settling many defect claims within Sydney.
With the change in Home Warranty requirements and the constantly evolving Building Code of Australia, it is a necessity to ensure that your Engineering and Building Consultant remains up to date with any alterations to the building code, in order to prepare a correct and concise building defect report. At BellMont, we aim to provide factual building defect reports so the Client has a clear understand of the reasonable potential claim amount—and can then establish for themselves, whether it is in their interest to pursue legal avenues— or to settle the claims with the Builder, CTTT or Insurance provider. Our reports only document building defects in order to ensure a satisfactory outcome can be realised as quickly and economically as possible, saving unnecessary aggravation, confusion of the claim amount and most importantly, money for the relevant parties. |
December 2021