One of the first buildings to be constructed on the highest point of Kings Cross Rd, Francis Hall, is a multilevel residential building of Heritage Significance. The façade is dominated by intricate corbels, features and cantilevered balconies surrounded by impressively detailed mouldings.
Bellmont was engaged to provide professional services for the façade refurbishment which involved repairs to delaminating render, lintels, windows, replacement of structural supporting beams and façade coating works. MDP Group was the contractor on site. During the works, it was established that the cantilevered balconies to the southern elevation were under-reinforced and corrosion of the steel reinforcing bars was well progressed. In order to minimise effects on the project program, Bellmont designed new reinforced concrete balconies reliant in port on the shear mass of the existing structure above to support the new balconies. The design incorporated hot dip galvanised reinforcement and pre-bagged polymer modified concrete to achieve the high early strength required for early dismantling of temporary supports. Original mouldings and corbels were measured and moulds taken in order to allow replicas to be constructed and reinstalled prior to project completion. The façade will be completed with a high quality elastomeric membrane and the new balconies waterproofed to provide added protection against water and chloride ion ingress for many years to come.
December 2021